Since I just returned from a trip to Peru I’ve been managing to base everything I write about on it, this time it’s step ups! Peru’s Andes Region is loaded with Inca ruins and being in the mountains, if you want to see them it is a lot of walking up and down stairs. So, here are a few things to know about stairs and how step ups can help you take them.

Related : Basic Knee Alignment For Lower Body Exercises – Utmost

Alignment Is Key

Step Ups AlignmentWhen doing a step up you need to pay careful attention to alignment at the foot, knee, and hip. The foot should be pointed straight ahead*, the knee should be tracking in line with the foot, and the hip in line with the knee. Without this alignment, you put uneven pressure on joints and put your muscles at a mechanical disadvantage. All of this can lead to dysfunction and pain.

Step Ups Translate To Stair Climbing

Step Ups StairsYour workout should help you to function better in the world. When you are stronger and better aligned, you feel and move better. Stair climbing is a great example of the crossover. If you have worked on your step up at the gym, when you climb stairs your body is more likely to automatically take up the right form and reduce wear and tear on the joints.

Improve Your Step Ups To Improve Your Stair Climbing

The next time you are doing step ups in the gym check out your alignment. Is everything as it should be? If not, make it part of your exercise program to work on it. Then, when you find yourself climbing stairs have a look and see if you are putting those new skills into practice.


* One could debate whether or not the foot should be pointed totally straight ahead or if a slight turnout is allowed. In any event, it should not be turned out very much.

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