
Scapular retraction refers to moving the shoulder blades (scapula) towards the spine.  The opposite is protraction – moving the shoulder blades away from the spine.  If you give yourself a big bear hug your shoulder blades will protract.  If you try to pinch your shoulder blades all the way together they will retract.  If you fully protract, fully retract, and then find the spot in the middle you will have found a good approximation of neutral.

Scapular depression refers to moving the shoulder blades down away from your ears.  The opposite is elevation, which is bringing the shoulder blades closer to the ears.  Shrugging is elevation, the opposite movement is depression.  As with retraction, a good approximation of neutral is the spot in the middle of elevation and depression.

To see these movements in action, check out this 40 second video.

Protraction, Retraction, Movements of Scapula

Why Movements like Retraction & Protraction Matter

Many lifts require you to be aware of the position of your shoulder blades.  Deadlifts and Squats require stable retraction and depression.  Back exercises such as rows, pull downs, or chin-ups require controlled movement through all positions, depending on the exercise. (*Protraction and elevation may or may not apply depending on the individual).  Even chest and shoulder exercises are influenced by the positioning and movement of the scapula.

Many of us are unaware of these movements. Our scapula may be moving dysfunctionally or even stuck in one position. This can lead to shoulder, back, neck, and other chronic pains. If you observe, you will find that many people walk around in an elevated and protracted position (shoulders rounded forward and shrugging). Over time, this can lead to a hunched posture which causes muscle stiffness, particularly around the neck, and can lead to a host of musculoskeletal problems.

Applying Scapular Movements

For more on how proper scapular movement plays into common exercises, check out these posts.

Rows – Three Mistakes To Avoid

A Quick Tip On Shoulder Elevation

Corrective Exercises for the Scapula

Here are some exercises to help restore proper movement.

Video: A Quick Scapular Retraction Exercise

Video: Bent Over Retraction + T-spine Rotation


And here’s why it matters:

It’s Not About the Weight, Do the Movement