If you are looking to work on your upper body and shoulder mobility this exercise for scapular retraction and T-spine rotation, combined with some hip mobility and hamstring mobility is about as efficient as it comes!

I like using this exercise because it allows me to work on so many things at once. It works on the hip-hinge, which improves hip and hamstring mobility, while at the same time working on upper body mobility including retraction and rotation. The benefits include improved posture, reduction of low back, neck, and shoulder discomfort and improved movement quality overall. It makes a great corrective exercise for beginners and an excellent warm-up for more advanced individuals.

Important Tips For Clean Retraction

As mentioned in the video, try to keep your arms in a straight line, do not wrench the shoulder back. Also, try to keep the upper body squared up, meaning shoulders in line with the hips. Don’t let your shoulders shift to the right or left while you are turning. Imagine your spine as a straight post that your arms are rotating around. The lower back should be still, as you can see in the video. Lastly, don’t stand up out of the exercise as you go along stay nicely bent over with a flat back.

In Pain? – Visit The Physical Therapist

As always, a good personal trainer should use exercises like this one to help you move better and therefore feel better. If, however, you find yourself in consistent or acute pain, you should visit a physical therapist or your primary care physician to determine the full extent of the problem.

Thanks to my fitness model Dianna Scotece – www.diannascotece.com

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